
NOTE: The bio isn't 100% complete so sit tight!

Birthday: ???
Birthplace: Maza
Height: 7’0”
Occupation: Umu CEO
Species: Upindeoni
Personality: Extroverted, Manipulative, Cunning, Ambitious, Patient
Fashion sense: “Underworld’s Finest”, black, red, white, tuxedos, dress pants, dress shoes, necklaces, chains, cufflinks, horn jewelry
Fave music: Everything
Fave color: Vantablack
Fave food: Everything
Background: It is a mystery how Aidoneus is still alive. Being one of the first Upindelaikis to come to existence, Aidoneus originally wanted to make Maza a better place. He wanted to find a way to have the domain take over all of Spirit Realm and Flesh Realm so that the universe would be filled with nothing but positive energy. However, all of the people in Maza state that what Aidoneus was trying to do was for his own selfish desire of becoming a god and if his plan were to succeed, he would throw off the balance of everything and only a certain Quphanto would have to do something about it. It’s unknown whether Aidoneus left Maza on his own accord or if the Mazans forcefully kicked him out, but the moment Aidoneus began his quest, he went straight to Umu. Knowing that he would have to win the Umuites’ approval, he helped them improve their domain by finding ways to bring in more negative energy(such as creating the Pits for the Fallen); the more negative energy they gathered, the more they were able to industrialize Umu and make all of the Umu Quphantos’ Districts what they are to this day. He even managed to go back to Maza to convince â…” of the Mazans to join his side and become one of the Umuites. Doing all of this gained Aidoneus fame, recognition, respect, and, most importantly, power, and he earned the stage name “The Devil”. Now if only a certain person that he “cares” for would cooperate then he’d be able to get the show on the road and continue with trying to fulfill his self-written destiny.