NOTE: The bio isn't 100% complete so sit tight!
Birthday: ???
Birthplace: Maza
Height: 6’1”
Occupation: Temp Worker
Species: Upindelaiki
Personality: Extroverted, Optimist, Fun, Inattentive, Caring
Fashion sense: “Heaven and Chill”, casual, blue, cool colors, jeans, tennis shoes
Fave music: Disco, RnB, Neo Soul
Fave color: Ocean Blue
Fave food: Anything
Background: Alexander and his younger twin, Thomas, were originally from Maza until Alexander fell in love with Gaia’s customs. Thomas and he were in the middle of their first mission in Africa, but once the job was done and it was time to go home, Alexander had already become infatuated with the place. The locations, the people, the music, and especially the food are what really pulled him to stay in the chaotic realm and never went back home. Finding Amethyst and developing a relationship with her after she gained the ability to become human only made his stay a much better experience. Since residing in Gaia, Alexander has become more and more of a human and less of an Upindelaiki as his brother would describe him. All he wants to do is have fun, never think about the negative things, care for Amethyst, and eat almost everything. Like how anyone would expect from a typical Upindelaiki, Alexander is very loving and comforting and only wants to make people happy, but sometimes, his desire to bring positivity doesn’t help the situation, and it definitely won’t help him when a few people from Umu take him and his brother hostage for a mysterious reason.