Birthday: ???
Birthplace: Somewhere in Africa
Height: 5’9”
Occupation: Temp Worker
Species: Black Cat/Human(interchangeable)
Personality: Introverted, Stern, Quiet, Cold, Calm
Fashion sense: “Casual Kitty”, purple, neutral-cool colors, modest, active wear, business casual, long-sleeves, long dresses, tennis shoes, flats, short heels
Fave music: Classical, Jazz, Instrumental Hip-Hop
Fave color: Orchid Purple
Fave food: Wild Salmon
Background: Amethyst was born a stray black cat somewhere in Africa. For most of her life, she's been having to take care of herself until an Archangel named Alexander found her and took her in. Showing her so much love and care, she ended up falling in love with him, but the issue was she was a cat. So one day, she went to a witch(who was a good witch, thankfully), and the witch granted Amethyst's wish of becoming human and being able to change forms at her own will. To make things better, she gives Amethyst the power of water, fire, and air to better defend herself and a much longer life span to match her Archangel lover. Ever since she was blessed with her abilities, Amethyst has been trying to live a stable life, but because of who she is, it can be difficult for her to stay in one place and have one job. Nonetheless, she tries to make it work so that her and her lover can live comfortably in the society they decided to live in together. Her heart, mind, and soul only has room for Alexander and few other people she’s met down the road(such as Thomas, her lover’s brother) so it's hard for anyone else to come into her social circle, but that will soon change when something happens to Alexander and his brother and she has to go find help.