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Vengeance and Forgiveness has had many transformations throughout the years! Some of the transformations were not satisfactory while others were okay. Either way, they all help pave the way and get the series to where it is now.


VnF circa 2014-2015

Vengeance and Forgiveness started off as a roleplay scenario. It didn't even have a name back then. It was just G+ posts I made to see what my friends and followers would do if they were a part of the story. The roleplay scenario had a much different plot: Tenacity(who had a MUCH different name at the time), Amethyst, and Melissa had to rescue demon-possessed Jacqueline from a character named Akuma. The Cerberus Brothers and Pierre also made an appearance! Of course, there was a little more to the plot(like Akuma wanting to fill the world with demons), but sadly, the plot was too simple and didn't make the cut. However, noticing how much dedication and love I had for the scenario was when I decided to make it a book.


VnF circa 2016-2018

I took a while to figure out how I would make this creation a book, and 2016 was when I took the leap. I changed up the plot to where Jacqueline was never possessed, Akuma was actually Alexander possessed, and Thomas had lost his memories and was Akuma's prisoner. New characters were also added(including powerless Rose and Nermal). Akuma's goal stayed the same, but what made Akuma different was I made him to where the reader would feel sorry for him.

I created these people called the Majestics, people who were blessed with magical powers(fire, air, earth, water). Scientists were capturing people who showed such powers and conducted experiments on them, and Alexander was one of them. He managed to escape but was infuriated with how the Scientists were getting away with it all, so he found a demonic cult book(The Reaper's Contract), summoned Akuma(the demon), made an agreement, and allowed Akuma to possess him. Thomas tried to stop him and tell his twin brother to forgive and move on(like the good Archangel he is), but Alexander wasn't going for it. He killed all of the Scientists out of vengeance, took Thomas deep into the forest to erase his memories, and summoned Cerberus and Pierre to help him carry out his plan of basically destroying Earth. It was from this moment, I knew what I was going to name my series. My series would be the theme of this entire rollercoaster of emotions....Vengeance and Forgiveness. The plot would become crazier and crazier as the series went on. Alexander would be saved, but it would be revealed that Akuma was the Gluttony Demi-God(who was punished by the devil); the devil had a son named Kendo who developed a friendship with Nermal, and the devil kidnapped her in order to get his son to come back to Underworld; Amethyst had a romantic relationship with one of the Cerberus Brothers before Alexander; and Issei had a split personality. Did some of these details make it to the final cut? You will have to read and find out! So what made me feel like the series need a whole reboot? The way I paced everything. There were a lot of mysteries that needed to be answered: the Majestics, the Realms, etc. Unfortunately, I didn't like the answers I came up with. I also didn't like how I made the characters interact with each other along with all of their motives and struggles. So around 2018, I completely abandoned the series out of frustration and anxiety that I would never be able to make Vengeance and Forgiveness the series I could be proud of.


VnF circa 2020-present

After a year of not touching my series, 2020 rolled around and gave me the courage to delete the stories altogether and just start on a new slate. The first book of Vengeance and Forgiveness took a year to complete and show to the world because I was taking the time ironing out the creases and making some major changes. The Vengeance and Forgiveness now is much different from what it was years ago. The characters are more fleshed out, the multiple conflicts are handled at a timely manner to where you, the reader, are not forgetting about it, the mysteries are now mysteries that don't hold the story into jeopardy and readers can have fun making their own theories, and the universe itself is better explained. 


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