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Pronunciation: Oo-peh-me


Avg. Lifespan: ~5,000 years


Home Domain: Love Domain(official name TBA)


Appearance:Come in different shapes and sizes; their skin color is usually light or pastel colors(pastel red, pastel yellow, light purple, etc.); their eyes are just the sclera(no irises or pupils), and the sclera is any color; they have long, pointy ears; they have large, glittery, translucent wings with different designs


Origin: Upemis are spiritual beings that are located at a foresty place in Spirit Realm where the Love Quphanto resides. These peaceful souls are always wanting to express their love for each other and outsiders somehow thanks to the loving vibes the Love Quphanto gives them. Upemis are masters of the different love languages(physical touch, gifts, acts of service, quality time, words of affirmation), and their mission is to leave someone feeling loved. These lovely spirits are pacifists, so they’re never seen throwing the first punch. However, if there IS a Upemi biting back, someone must have done something drastic for that to happen. Some Upemis will go to Gaia to spread their love around, but most will choose to stay home or hide in Spirit Realm because of their fear of the domain’s residents(specifically humans). They can also be found at Black Markets, but they’re not there to earn money; they’re at the markets either giving away their products for free or are looking forward to bargain with their customers(i.e. They’ll give their customer their product if the customer is willing to run an errand for them real quick which usually involves collecting something)


Special Powers: Upemis are flying most of the time, so expect them to use their wings to get around; they’re pretty fast on their wings, much faster than a Mazan and Umuite. They are also pacifists, but they are capable of learning any magical powers they feel like they need to in order to make their daily tasks easier to handle. They have a special ability called Sensational Healing(an ability where they can heal themselves or others through acts of love); for example, if there’s a cut, a Upemi’s kiss can make it go away, or if a headache is taking over, a Upemi’s nursing skills can make it disappear. Some wounds may take longer to heal, but Upemis are very determined and will not rest until they know for sure that the soul they’re caring for is back to 100% or close to that percentage. They also have Sparkling Boundary(an ability where a Upemi has to hug themselves or the person they’re protecting, and a sparkling shield surrounds them, blocking out everything until the Upemi is tired out or the attacker breaks through it).

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