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Pronunciation: Koo-fun-toe


Avg. Lifespan:  Immortal


Home Domain: Depends on the Quphanto


Appearance:Their heights can vary(they usually choose to be a reasonable height to ease their followers unless they are serious, then they’re the size of a planet); they can either look human, animal, or a mixture of both; their eyes and skin can be any color


Origin: Quphantos are one level below The Creator of All, Ideya. Their magical powers can be just about anything depending on their origin. There are seven Quphantos that reside in Maza, seven Quphantos that reside in Umu, and who knows how many Quphantos that reside in other domains in the Spirit Realm. Their sole purpose is to make sure that whatever they are in charge with has meaning and influence in the universe. Unlike the rest of the souls in Spirit Realm, all Quphantos vowed to never leave the realm unless it’s for dire situations. If they do need to come into the Flesh Realm, they can blend in with humans very easily, either transforming into full humans with the appropriate height or an animal.


Special Powers: The Quphantos of this universe have many different abilities depending on what they are responsible for. Like anyone else, they can learn the six magical abilities, but they can take those abilities and amplify them to something no one else can unless it’s their offspring or if it’s someone they’ve made a deal with. Discover the many Quphantos that exist in this universe and find out what they can do! Their powers can be either harmless or terrorizing, depending on their motives.

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