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Fanart will be added here at the end of every year right before New Year's! Send your fanart to me either through social media(Instagram, Twitter, or DeviantArt) or through my gmail( JUST A FEW RULES!

     1. PLEASE stick to the characters' skin tones; if you've never worked with a particular skin color, then look at this as a learning experience!

     2. PLEASE stick to the characters' body measurements; I know it can be difficult sometimes, but surely you know when a woman's curves are just TOO massive to where their back could snap or when a man's muscles or chest is just TOO huge to where their legs are looking like toothpicks.

     3. PLEASE, NO NSFW! I know that it can't be helped that someone out there is going to do it regardless, and if you are that person, just know and understand that I'm not going to give it any recognition and it will not be added to the collection.

I hope you love these masterpieces as much as I do!

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