Shandon Nruku
Birthday: April 26, 1972
Birthplace: Crescent City, LA, USA
Height: 6’7”
Occupation: Cook
Species: Quphanto/Upindelaiki
Personality: Extroverted, Goofy, Protective, Unhinged, Fun
Fashion sense: “Straight Chillin’”, green, neutral colors, vibrant colors, baggy clothes, plaid patterns, sneakers, slip-on shoes
Fave music: RnB(70’s, 80’s, 2000’s), Disco(70’s-80’s), Hip-Hop(80’s-2000’s)
Fave color: Jade Green
Fave food: Lobster
Background: Shandon Nruku is Usiku's half-cousin/half-brother. While Usiku lived in Crescent City with Shandon's parents, 19 year old Shandon was in his own apartment, helping his gang out; he took care of creating the drugs for them, and everyone loved Shandon's creations. He was always about having a good time. House parties, pool parties, and even sex parties were his thing. Besides that, he would come visit his parents every now and then and help around the house, but ever since Usiku came around, everything became rocky. No matter what Shandon did, he just couldn't seem to get Usiku to get along with him, and after a while, he just didn't crave for that bond anymore. It's now gotten to a point where Shandon now despises Usiku for his personal reasons. When everything seemed to be bleak and dark, Shandon's life changed when he reunited with his childhood friend and lovebird, Zeena Jones, in Malaiki City, CA. Seeing how both of them have been damaged, Shandon asked Zeena to be his wife and to live with him in Crescent City, and although she was hesitant, Zeena said "yes" in hopes that they can create more good memories in place of the bad ones she's received. Now, they live in Crescent City, married with no kids(except a "fur daughter" named Cocoa), living a more peaceful life, working at a restaurant together, and although Shandon's smoking and drinking habits have rarely faded away, they don't ruin anything Shandon cares about(unless Usiku is in the picture). Shandon loves his family, but Usiku is the one person he dreads seeing(and Usiku's feelings are mutual). Unfortunately, Usiku is going to have to hear it from Shandon once he hears what Rose has gotten into.