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Pronunciation: Sah-mah-kah

Avg. Lifespan: ~200 years

Home Domain: Gaia

Appearance:Similar to Samini(upper human body; lower fish body; ears located inside head; only having hair on their head, facial hair, and eyebrows; and having gills on their waist and inside of their nose), but they take on a more fish appearance with fins on the sides of their face and hips and webbed fingers; their skin color and fish tail color can be anything; their teeth are sharp; their eyes can be any color with slit pupils

Origin: The Samaka are the Samini’s cousins. Unlike their peaceful cousins, Samaka actually see humans and some fish as their prey. While also popular for their singing, they tend to sing for another purpose: to lure their prey closer to them and devour them while they are in the trance. However, there are some Samaka that sing just to entertain.  They say that on a full moon, a person can hear a huge group of Samaka sing in unison until morning comes; the theory exists solely because of the fact that Samaka mostly come out at night time, the most favored time for the mythical beings. They're just as playful as Samini and can get along with their cousins and some fish in the sea. They can live on land the same way Samini can, but it takes a little longer for them to dry since they happen to be slimier when out of water; the slime helps them to retain their form for a much longer time. Even when they do have something in the way of their legs to keep them from transforming back into a fish tail, they can still get slimy from touching water.

Special Powers: Just like their cousins, Samaka are amazing swimmers. They are feistier, however, as they will use their claws and sharp teeth to get the upper hand. They also have the ability, Serenade(the ability to sing and hypnotize anyone that listens), and they will not hesitate in using it to get out of sticky situations. Samaka also don’t have the ability to be born with magical powers, so they would have to drink a potion or go through training.

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