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Huzuzis(The Fallen)

Pronunciation: Huu-zuu-zee


Avg. Lifespan: ~5,000 years


Home Domain: Umu


Appearance: Similar to humans; their eye colors are similar to humans but they're mostly dark colors(dark red, dark orange, dark yellow, etc.); their bodies can come in different shapes and sizes, but they have holes located in different areas of their bodies from being in the Pits


Origin: Huzuzis are souls who either wanted to go to Maza or felt like they belonged in Maza, but because they did more evil than good, they are sent straight to Umu to be thrown into the Pits. The Pits are lava pits located at a certain place in Umu, and the huzuzis’ pain, agony-filled screams, and begs for mercy give the domain and its residents energy. Of course, they will try to escape, and that's where Cerberus and many other Upindeonis are expected to do their job: to keep them from escaping. This is a major reason why many spirits decide to stay in other parts of the Spirit Realm or to roam Gaia(or “haunt places”) ; it’s the fear of not being accepted by the Mazans and being thrown into the fire. Once a soul becomes one of the Fallen, the only hope they have is Reincarnation.


Special Powers:  These poor souls are powerless. They are forever being punished for a Past Life that they most likely don’t remember. These guys don’t have time to learn any type of power or gain physical strength, not when they’re being burned for the rest of their lives and are being monitored.

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