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The Universe

Flesh Realm(Inyama-Indawo)

A patch of Spirit Realm where souls are enclosed in flesh. Spirit Realmers can roam around this fleshy area without a flesh vessel, but if they want to be seen, they’ll have to leave the spiritual plane. If a Flesh Realmer would like to spot a spirit, they have to either become spiritually intact or have good equipment that detects the spirit’s energy. There are many different beings that reside on this side of the universe who naturally have a flesh vessel.


The domain that resides in Flesh Realm and is also known as Earth. This domain is filled with light, darkness, and everything in between. Anyone and everyone can live within this realm. Most Spirit Realmers consider Gaia a very chaotic place because of the lack of peace that resides in this domain. To not add fuel to the fire, the mythical beings(species that are Flesh Realmers but are not human) keep their identities secret, and have been able to live peacefully amongst the humans by keeping their true way of life hidden away. Spiritual beings believe that this "balance of light and dark" doesn't exist and that they should not ever come near it. Of course, there are a few of them that disagree with that notion and continue to either help the Gaians, discourage them, or even live amongst them. So whatever is going on in Gaia, good or bad, it's not because of the spirits most of the time. Most of the woes that occur in Gaia are usually caused by the Gaians themselves...especially humans. Residents of this domain are called Gaians.

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Spirit Realm(Umoyaoho-Indawo)

The realm where spirits reign supreme. There are many spiritual domains within this realm, and with that there are different spiritual beings. Everyone is a soul(no flesh) and there's no conflict(most times). Souls can roam around and start a New Life here. They can choose to stay in this Realm and just talk to other souls and explore what the Realm has to provide, or they can have their fun in the Flesh Realm, exploring that fleshy plane. Overall, it's a pretty peaceful Realm, and the residents here understand and respect each other's differences(unless they find a way or reason to cause conflict).

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The domain that resides in the Spirit Realm and is filled with light. Also known as the heavens, Maza is a place that mostly everyone would like to live in. No sorrow, no despair, just endless joy and good company. Unfortunately, only Malaikis, Upindelaikis, and the Kuokas are allowed here. Souls who dare try to enter this realm better pray that they committed enough positive actions in their Past Life if they want to start their New Life in Maza. This is a place where there are no fights, no vulgarity, no negativity, and no darkness. Here, you can expect to see even animals get along, predator and prey. There is no sun or moon; only the stars, buildings, the waterfalls, the plants, and the people themselves light up the Realm. The Mazans themselves are overly positive and very nice; however, if you're not one of them, they will "kindly" show you the door. The residents in this domain are called Mazans.

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The domain that resides in Spirit Realm and is filled with darkness. Also called hell, Umu is where anything negative flies. Endless murdering, fighting, stealing, partying, and casual-sexing happens here. This is their peace. It is all their entertainment. Even though Umu is filled with darkness, it has seven full moons to keep the domain alit along with the many lava pits filled with screaming souls called the Huzuzi who are being punished. The Umuites(Peonis, Upindeonis, and Tansi) are all about having fun, but...probably not the fun you'd be looking for. It’s like what they always say, "No rest for the wicked". The residents of this domain are called Umuites.

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Love Domain(proper name TBA)

No information can be found for this realm, yet.

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Hate Domain(proper name TBA)

No information can be found for this realm, yet.

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Dream Realm(Phuulala-Indawo)

The realm that is between Flesh Realm and Spirit Realm, making it the most complicated realm. It can look entirely different depending on the person. However, the only way that anyone can get to this realm is through sleeping(unless they have a device that can help them traverse through other people’s dreams while being awake themselves). Dream Realm is a place Flesh Realmers can get in touch with their subconscious, see other people, and even experience a miniscule part of the spiritual world, receiving either messages or being shown possible outcomes that can manifest into their Waking Life. However, sometimes such messages aren’t so clear to Flesh Realmers as the Dream Realm will throw out-of-the-ordinary aspects into the experience and they are left with the choice of figuring out the meanings behind the crazy events when they wake up or just continue their life settling with “it was just a crazy dream.” Spirit Realmers can intrude on dreams by either sleeping or meditating and finding the portal to their targeted dreamer, or they can stand next to the dreamer and if they focus hard enough, a portal to their dream will open to them. Either way can be beneficial, it all depends on the situation. Flesh Realmers can purchase many items to help them regulate who gets to visit them in Dream Realm(i.e. Dream Catchers), make their visits easier to traverse(i.e. Dream Journal), and better interpret the meanings behind them(i.e. Dream Dictionary). The stronger a Flesh Realmer’s spiritual energy is, the easier it is for them to dream in the first place and navigate through them. If a dreamer is lucky… they may even have a Quphanto visit them.

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